Shilun Li

I am a third-year Ph.D. student in Mathematics at UC Berkeley advised by Prof. Venkatesan Guruswami. Previously, I graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with honors and a concurrent Master's degree in Computer Science.


My research interest lies broadly in Coding Theory, Automatic Theory Proving and Machine Learning.

Selected Publications
A Deterministic Construction of a Large Distance Code from the
Wozencraft Ensemble
Venkatesan Guruswami*, Shilun Li*

RANDOM 2023, published on IEEE Transactions on Information Theory [Paper] (*: Equal Contribution. Alphabetical order.)

Dynamics and Probability in the Toss of a Coin with Symmetric
Inhomogeneous Density
Shilun Li

Submitted [Paper]


Departmental Honors in Mathematics, Stanford University, 2022 (20 out of 120)
Top three at Stanford, Biological Interdisciplinary Open Maker Environment Biohackathon, 2018
Special Award from the American Math Society, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2017 (the world’s largest pre-college STEM competition)
Best High School Student of the Year, awarded by All-China Students' Federation, 2017 (top 10 out of 170k in the country)
First Prize, Provincial Adolescent Science and Technology Innovation Contest, 2014 & 2016 (top 5 out of 400 in the province)
Outstanding Gold Award in Science, Gold Award in Mathematics in World’s Final, Shing-Tung Yau Science Award, 2016 (first out of 5800, China's largest STEM competition)

  • Ph.D. student, UC Berkeley, Mathematics, 2022-Present
  • M.S., Stanford University, Computer Science, 2020-2022
  • B.S., Stanford University, Mathematics, 2018-2022